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Role of negotiation techniques

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Role of negotiation techniques

One way to double the probability of success in any negotiations is to use techniques. They are one of several ways one can rise effectiveness. To see the role of negotiation techniques, we will have to scrutinize the way people influence each other. How are techniques possible? Negotiations, just as communication, are sequences of inter-human interactions. These are aimed to get us to the agreement. An agreement will be reached once our partner feels they accept the terms. In order for anyone to accept our terms, they need to see them as their ideas or buy in. Either way, this requires communication. When people communicate, countless mechanisms are at play. The study of societies and social relations known as sociology, the science of the mind and behavior known as psychology and a combination of them known as social psychology are dedicated to decoding these mechanisms. Thanks to scientific research we know a lot about the nature of the human body and mind. The complexity of how they work still leaves a lot of space for discovery. The known part of how reality works can be analyzed and people can learn to use naturally existent mechanisms in their favor. To illustrate what I mean by mechanism, let’s use an example. The human brain detests emptiness –  is a mechanism. It works in a simple way – when there is a lack of information input, out brain creates the lacking information. This is why we answer questions – our brains can’t stand the fact that one could be left without an answer. What are negotiation techniques? Techniques are simply mechanisms triggered intentionally. People in general trigger mechanisms all day, unaware of it. Negotiators train to trigger the desired mechanism at the right moment to increase their effectiveness. Most techniques are intended to alter the decision making process of a person. To follow up on the example of our brain detesting emptiness,  a negotiation technique could be as follows: a property salesperson can talk about apartments in an imaginative way but without any details. This creates an empty space and we fill in the description with things we like, making a visualization of our ideal apartment in our heads, which will let the salesperson more easily find out what we are really looking for and rise our appetite for buying something. Duality of negotiation techniques Negotiation techniques are good and bad at the same time. Good because they usually work, which means they are a way of being effective. They are good because they use natural mechanisms embedded in human nature. Bad because it is hard to draw the line where manipulation happens. We could say that using techniques is appropriate under the circumstances that the effects will be beneficial for a person. The question that arises then is how can one determine if something is beneficial for another person or not. The answer will always be purely an opinion. All in all, negotiation techniques are tools which make use of how reality works. If we seek what is good for our partner, then they can make the business negotiations a whole more successful. Just keep in mind, that we will never be one hundred per cent certain as to what is good for our partner.